VPN – How to avoid getting scammed (hint: don’t trust Facebook for your VPN)

Recently, it became public knowledge that the Protect VPN app for iPhone is sending more than a significant amount of data back to Facebook. This seems particularly disheartening to VPN users who sought and chose this VPN service to enhance their personal security and to limit the amount of data that they share over the internet. So what now? Whats the point of a VPN then?

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What is VPN? Why use it? How do I get it?

The internet is still a pretty unsafe place. Hackers and other criminals are stealing information all the time, governments and big telecom companies are trying to pry into our browsing habits to control and capture what information we access. There are a whole host of unsavory things out there and a VPN is an effective tool to help protect you from it all.

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What is a VPN?

A VPN is also known as a Virtual Private Network and despite its techy sounding name it is actually a very simple idea that almost anyone can use in their day to day internet activities.

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