VPN – How to avoid getting scammed (hint: don’t trust Facebook for your VPN)

Recently, it became public knowledge that the Protect VPN app for iPhone is sending more than a significant amount of data back to Facebook. This seems particularly disheartening to VPN users who sought and chose this VPN service to enhance their personal security and to limit the amount of data that they share over the internet. So what now? Whats the point of a VPN then?

A VPN is simply a Virtual Private Network. It’s primary use is to allow users to surf the internet unimpeded and in a more secure and private way. Users are able to conceal their IP address and their personal identity easier and can prevent accidentally sharing private information about their browsing habits, region, etc.

Is there a solution?

First of all the obvious answer to this problem is to always avoid getting a VPN from a company you don’t trust. In this case the company in question has been owned by Facebook since 2013. Facebook is known for its sometimes controversial data collection and users complaints of privacy concerns and fears. Always use a search engine to check out reviews. It can’t hurt to know a little more about a company before you open an account with them. The second obvious answer is that if you find yourself using a company that violates your privacy, then it’s time to switch to a company such as ASPnix or another trustworthy company for better VPN services.

So what is the big deal in this instance?

When connected to their VPN a packet tunnel is used to connect and send back data. In this instance information such as daily Wi-Fi usage, when the screen is turned on or off, daily cellular data usage, information about the device, cell phone carrier, country code, language, operating system, and other personal data is being shared instead of being protected. This and other information is even being recorded when the VPN app is not even in use.

The good part is that the data being collected is encrypted so nobody but the recipient is able to see your data at that time. The bad news is that the recipients could easily be selling your info or using it for their own benefit

The act of collecting this type of data secretly from customers who are paying them to prevent this very same data from being collected by other companies is an obvious breach of ethics. Regardless be glad that there are other options available on the market. For a more transparent and honest VPN in the United States check out ASPnix.com