We are pleased to announce that PHP 7.1 has been released and is now ready for production use! All customers can upgrade and start using PHP 7.1 immediately!
PHP 7.1 includes many improvements and new features such as…
- Nullable types
- Void return type
- Iterable pseudo-type
- Class constant visiblity modifiers
- Square bracket syntax for
and the ability to specify keys inlist()
- Catching multiple exceptions types
- Many more features and changes…
In our local tests PHP 7.1 performs slightly better than 7.0, the focus of the new release was more towards new features and improvements, not necessarily around execution performance. Those interested in upgrading to PHP 7.1 can check the migration guide at http://php.net/manual/en/migration71.php.
As always, before doing any changes to your website, we recommend testing your site fully first before just changing the PHP version and leaving it. PHP 7 has many breaking changes from older versions that can cause major issues with your website. Please check with your application developer before making any changes to confirm compatibility.
We hope everyone enjoys the new release! If you have any questions, concerns or comments, please let us know.
Thank you for choosing ASPnix as your web hosting provider!