If your online presence matters to you or your businesses success then your decision to choose a host is a lot more important than you may have thought. Hosting providers can vary greatly in their quality and their services offered.
If your web hosting provider is doing a bad job at keeping their servers up and online, your own website will be down. If your website is down it looks bad to your customers and it prevents them from buying from you. Furthermore, if you are paying for adwords, search results, and other types of advertising, you are also spending money for each of those clicks that is leaving you during these situations. A good hosting company comes with a guarantee. For instance ASPnix comes with a 100% uptime guarantee and a 30 day satisfaction guarantee.
How is you load time? A lot of the worst companies out there are providing some pretty slow speeds for the money. Old slow hardware and slower datacenters compound the issue and leave your customers waiting for pages to load. The longer they wait the more likely they are to leave which will increase you businesses bounce rate and lower your sales conversions.
Inevitably, there will be good days and bad days in any business. On a bad day when you are pulling your hair out over a technical issue or otherwise having problems with something, you need to know that you aren’t going to be stuck on the phone waiting in a cue for an eternity before you get help. Time is money on the internet just as it is in the real world.
Try and pick a hosting provider that covers these three bases and more. ASPnix for instance has 24/7 technical support, offers unlimited high speed bandwidth, and offers both a guarantee for satisfaction and for uptime.
If you are interested in learning more about ASPnix click HERE