Weekend Server Maintenance Completed

The scheduled server maintenance this weekend has been completed without issues. Both the WEB14 and WEB16 server systems are online and running smoothly. The networking issue that plagued WEB14 this past week causing multiple outages has been resolved, steps to ensure this does not happen again to any of our new cloud platforms have been put in place. The WEB16 server system has successfully been migrated over to a full SSD-backed RAID array, the new SSDs will increase the performance of this platform greatly! More responsive and faster loading websites, quicker file transfers for FTP / SFTP clients and improved load times for large .NET applications.

We appreciate everyone’s patience this past week while we dealt with the networking issues with WEB14 and completed the WEB16 SSD migration. WEB15-based clients are next on the SSD migration as we work to improve our systems!

Thank you for choosing ASPnix!