Does ASPnix limit bandwidth or restrict sound codecs or any other features?

We do not limit bandwidth on our TeamSpeak services; we also do not limit which sound codecs are available for your server to use. File transfers are limited to 128KBps for both uploading and downloading. Please note that we do actively monitor our TeamSpeak systems for pirated and or copyrighted material, if any is found, the offending voice server will be terminated.

We do not allow the changing / editing of the following items…

  • Server slot count
  • Host message (not the same as the welcome message)
  • Host icon (not the same as the host banner)
  • File transfer speed limits
  • File transfer quota limits
  • Minimum client version
  • Writing to the server log is disabled

You may find other virtual server permissions are not available to you, unfortunately on our shared systems these will not be allowed to be edited.