An idiots guide to cloud computing.

Not quite sure what cloud computing really means? Maybe you have a vague idea but want a little more information. This article is your opportunity to get caught up on the subject by simply starting at the beginning.

The cloud

You are probably already using cloud based services without knowing about it.

The cloud is made up of many various bits of software and hardware that are all working together to provide services to end users like you and I. By using cloud computing a user can access their files through a browser or any device that is on the Internet.

So how is connecting to my data in the cloud different than my computers hard drive?

Unlike how you are used to doing things, the data stored in the cloud isn’t just on a single computer, or in a single location. Its secure from damage or loss because its located off site, and by its nature its been duplicated and stored in multiple places. All of these things combined make for a superior standard for safely preserving our data and making our lives more convenient.

What is a Public Cloud? Private cloud?

A public cloud will allow you to store files, applications, storage, and services available to the public through the internet.

A private cloud is made up of files, applications, storage and services that are behind a firewall or under the control of administrators.


A few examples of cloud hosted services are hosted desktop, hosted email, cloud storage, or streaming music services. The defining trait is that these services are all dependent on the files being stored on a server online to make them accessible or functional.

Do you need cloud computing?

Of course! Hardware manufacturers are switching to cloud based services because of ease of use and affordability. Software companies may store significant files remotely to keep them private and secure. Lastly, your home automation and systems like voice assistants depend on the cloud to store a constantly evolving program which depends on much higher processing power than is available on such minimal devices.

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