We are very pleased to announce our all new spam filtering engine, powered by Message Sniffer and Declude! Just over a month ago we dumped our old Cyren anti-spam system for a new, customizable and very powerful anti-spam solution! We worked with about 3 dozen customers who received a large amount of spam and it was clear that our old solution simply was not working. Most of these spam emails were obvious and it was painful to see them getting through without issues. Especially from domain extensions like .top, .download, .stream that send nothing but spam. The cloud-based solution was just letting these emails into people’s inboxes. Annoying for the user, causes extra support tickets and Cyren has had its fair share of problems with its data-centers going offline and routing problems that caused major problems for SmarterMail, including crashing it on occasion.

So with all this, we have set up a new solution that is based on Declude and ARM Research Labs, Message Sniffer. Declude is a filtering engine that has been around for a very long time, nearly 20 years. Declude has proven to be very effective against combating spam using very powerful and customizable rules, RBL checks, DNSBL checks and more. Message Sniffer is another great filtering technology that works by combining forces with other sniffer “nodes” running on mail servers all over the world. By using the data from other mail servers, our local Message Sniffer can quickly update to ward off threats and spam that our mail server has not yet seen or dealt with. Combining these two technologies has almost defeated spam for our test group of customers. With most reporting only receiving only a couple of spam emails per week instead of hundreds.
We are still working to improve these systems to get the number down to zero! Message Sniffer will continue to learn and improve its database on its own over time!
For information on Declude, please review their site at http://www.declude.com/
For information on Message Sniffer, please review their site at http://www.messagesniffer.com/Products/aboutSNF.jsp
We have also improved our reporting of false negative / positive emails – You can check our KB article at https://www.aspnix.com/kb/how-to-report-false-negative-and-false-positive-emails/. Customers reporting misidentified email will further improve the filtering engines and help us build up better rules to fight messages that are harder to identify.
If you have any questions, concerns or comments, please let us know!
Thank you for choosing ASPnix!