Windows Control Panel Feature Addition – FTP Permission Control

Since we introduced our new Windows control panel many users have been asking for more permission options for FTP accounts beyond the standard “read” and “write” permissions. While this was a simple addition to our systems it was low on the to-do list simply because it was not a big issue at the time and there were more pressing updates / features to deal with at the time.

Well we have finally completed this update / addition. You may now have very fine control over FTP account permissions, including:

  • Read / Download
  • Write / Upload
  • Delete Files
  • Append / Resume Files
  • List Files
  • List Directories
  • Create Directory
  • Delete Directory
  • Access sub-directories
  • SSL-Only mode

You can mix and match permissions as you require for different accounts. This is great for users who share files between co-workers, web development teams, managers and other groups. For example one customer wanted the ability to allow his support staff to create directories and upload daily reports, but not be able to delete directories or already uploaded reports, this was of coarse not possible without intervention of our support staff.

We hope everyone enjoys the new addition as much as we did developing this! As always if you have any questions about this or any suggestions for other features you want to see please contact our support department.

Thank you for choosing ASPnix as your web hosting provider!