Billing system usage reporting changes for Windows hosting

Previously our billing system reported bandwidth usage based on the current billing cycle start and ending date. While not technically incorrect, it gave different usage information than the control panel did resulting in confusion. The control panel’s shown usage is based on the current month start and ending date, so you would be getting 2 different usage values depending on what you looked at.

We’ve decided it is best that the control panel and billing system show identical information at all times, as we do not bill for bandwidth usage (since we provide unlimited bandwidth), there is no need to track bandwidth usage based on the current billing cycle. So effective immediately the billing system will now show the same usage data that the control panel provides. Keep in mind though that our billing system updates once a day so if you check the values very early in the day, for example around 3AM MDT the values may be inaccurate until the billing system updates itself.

We hope this helps clear up some of the confusion and annoyances caused by these 2 systems being different.

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