What are the rules and requirements for the affiliate program?

There are a few rules / requirements for the ASPnix Affiliate Program. Violating any of the rules or requirements will void any credits and will not receive any payouts and may have their ASPnix hosting services terminated.

  • Must be an active ASPnix customer and must be in good standing (no suspended services)
  • You may not refer yourself
  • Credits are not issued for simply referring customers to our site
  • Credits are not issued for purchases that did not click an affiliate link (IE customers who signup and say “I was referred by X customer”)
  • Credits are not issued for purchases that cancelled during the refunded period
  • Credits are not issued for purchases that were fraudulent or not approved
  • Only 1 affiliate account is allowed for each client. Clients with multiple billing accounts will only be allowed a single affiliate account
  • Referred accounts must use different billing and payment methods from the affiliate account
  • May not advertise on websites that display, host or link content that is against our Terms of Service. Such as Warez, Pornography etc.

If you have any questions about our affiliate program, please contact our sales department.