SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) is the standard security technology for establishing an encrypted link between a web server and a browser. This link ensures that all data passed between the web server and browsers remain private and integral. SSL is an industry standard and is used by millions of websites in the protection of their online transactions with their customers.

Multiple Providers
ASPnix provides multiple SSL vendors as well as multiple certificate types. Ranging from low-end super low-cost certificates to EV validated professional level certificates. ASPnix has the brand and type you are looking for to secure your website in minutes!
Available certificate vendors include;
- Let’s Encrypt (Free!)
- RapidSSL (Standard, Wildcard)
- GeoTrust (Quick SSL, QuickSSL Premium, True BusinessID, True BusinessID EV, True Business ID Wildcard)
- Symantec – Formally VeriSign (Secure Site, Secure Site Pro, Secure Site EV, Secure Site Pro EV)
Why SSL?
For security and Google.
First and foremost, https makes your website secure for your users. If your website does not use https, data sent between it and your users can potentially be intercepted, monitored or even altered by a 3rd party as it traverses the internet.
Security is a top priority for Google and back in August 2016 they announced https would to be used as a ranking single to encourage webmaster to use encryption. Continuing their mission for a safer web, from this month Google will highlight all sites which collect passwords and credit card data without https encryption as ‘Non-secure’ to visitors. You can learn more about this update here.
To avoid penalties we recommend you make the move to https as soon as possible. We’ve created a short guide to show you how to enable Let’s Encrypt on our Windows hosting platform.